Ilga istorija trumpai

Ilga istorija trumpai online
Metai: 2021
Kalba: Lietuvių (Mėgėjiškas, vienbalsis)
Režisisavo: Josh Lawson
Aktoriai: Rafe Spall, Zahra Newman, Ronny Chieng
Teddy wakes up the morning after his wedding to discover that he’s jumped forward a year in his life to his first anniversary. Trapped in an endless cycle of time jumps, transported another year ahead every few minutes, he is faced with a race against time as his life crumbles around him.
Mielas lankytojau. Jūs čia esate kaip neregistruotas vartotojas.
Mes siūlome jums užsiregistruoti arba tiesiog prisijungti naudojant savo prisijungimo duomenis, tam, kad galėtum įkelti bei komentuoti norimas naujienas.
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